
Do you have questions but are unsure who to ask? 

Here are some contacts and guidelines that may help.

If you are interested in Enrolling or Transferring to the "small district that makes a Big difference", you may start by completing the School of Choice and Enrollment Forms, or contact the office of the appropriate building that your student(s) will be attending for more information.

If you have questions pertaining to your student's academic needs or concerns with a classroom, please start by contacting their teacher. If, after speaking with the teacher, you would like additional information then contact the principal of their building, and if you are still looking for more information, please contact Communications Director, Heather Wechsler, in the Superintendent's Office and she will direct you to the appropriate person.

Staff Directory

Elementary Building Information (Pre-K - Grade 5)

Jr/Sr High School Information (Grades 6-12)

Student Support Services

Business Office & Operations

Superintendent's Office

Who to Contact?

  • Questions relating to building procedures, building schedules, or building policy should be directed to that building's office.

  • Questions or concerns relating to behavior or discipline should be directed to the office of your student's building,

  • Questions relating to the bus schedule, procedures, or discipline from the bus driver should go to the Transportation Department.

  • Questions relating to special education or other student support services for the Jr/Sr High School should go to Student Support Services and for the elementary should go to the Office of the Elementary.

  • Questions relating to custodial or the maintenance of the facilities should go to the Maintenance Department.

  • Questions relating to student breakfast or lunch accounts should go to the Food Services Department.

  • Questions relating to athletic events please contact the Athletic Department or the Jr/Sr High School Office.

  • Questions or suggestions for district promotions please contact the Public Relations Department located in the Superintendent's Office.

  • Questions relating to other extra-curricular events please contact the office of the appropriate building.

  • If you have compliments or complaints of any staff members, please call the office of their respective building.

  • If you have compliments or complaints of administration, please contact the Superintendent's Office.

  • If you have compliments or complaints about the Superintendent, please contact the School Board President.

Any other questions or concerns not mentioned above, please contact the Superintendent's Office and we will answer them or direct you to the appropriate person.

The FCC has created a national broadband map that displays where internet services are, and are not, available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection. This map will be used to help determine future broadband expansion efforts and billions in grant funding to close the digital divide – please consider checking the accuracy at your home address, as well as neighbors, family, friends, etc. If you find any inaccuracies, you can submit a location challenge through the website before the January 13, 2023 deadline.